The Newcomers Festival 2021 is over. And it was great!

This year was a very special year for us and all the Newcomers of Frankfurt am Main and the FrankfurtRheinMain area.

The Newcomers Festival is now behind us and we look back positively on these 2 days. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all partners and supporters of the Newcomers Festival for their support and the expats for their participation. Together we can show how special and diverse our FrankfurtRhineMain region is. There is always something to discover here.

You can find more impressions of the Newcomers Festival and Newcomers Reception at:

Kontakt | Synergie nutzen

Dr. Stefan Söhngen

Fuchstanzstr. 32
60489 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 - 247 41 230


Stefan Soehngen on the web

Relationing on the web

Montagsgesellschaft on the web

Newcomers Network on the web