Newcomers Festival 2021 – it’s that time again!

Join us for the Newcomers Festival 2021 at Römerhallen, Frankfurt. Enjoy the hospitality of Frankfurt am Main and the region at this traditional Festival. Meet fellow Expats from all over the world.

Taste our food and enjoy our music. Learn more about the City and the Region, gather information about life, education and culture at over 60 information desks. We are preparing music, food and above all an excellent opportunity to connect with the City. Find out about schools and partners who can help you settling in.

Register now, it’s free. How about bringing your family and friends!

Jetzt kostenfrei anmelden!

Kontakt | Synergie nutzen

Dr. Stefan Söhngen

Fuchstanzstr. 32
60489 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 - 247 41 230


Stefan Soehngen on the web

Relationing on the web

Montagsgesellschaft on the web

Newcomers Network on the web